Pharmacy Services

Manage prescriptions on the go with our New App!
- Direct message with a KTA Pharmacist
- Manage all your family's prescriptions
- Request refills
- Check the status of prescriptions
- Set medicine reminders
We have the latest in Technology and tools to better serve you. Ask our pharmacy staff about:
- Telephone IVR system for refills and barcode verification
- E-prescriptions
- Auto-Refills
- Text Notifications — KTA Pharmacies can now text you when your prescriptions are ready.
- E-mail Notifications
- Free "Pocket Profiles" (list of all of a patient's medications, directions, and doctors) available
- Language Translation available for print material
- Medication synchronization — Pick up all of your medication in one trip
Products & Services
KTA Pharmacy at Puainako is now offering Curbside Pick-Up
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 12pm to 2pm
How it works:
- Call the KTA Puainako Pharmacy to fill your prescription.
- Request for curbside pick up.
- Drive to KTA during the KTA Pharmacy Curbside Delivery hours.
- Look for the Curbside Pick-Up Stalls, park and wait in your car.
- Call us on the number on the Stall Sign to let us know you’ve arrived. We’ll be right out with your prescription!
Curbside Pick-Up is for prescriptions only. Debit or Credit Card Payments only.
Please contact your KTA Puainako Pharmacy for more details.
Scroll down for Pharmacy contact information.
In addition to our general Pharmacy service, the following products and services are also available:
- One-on One Diabetes Education & Glucometer teaching
- Medication Therapy Management program (medication review)
- Flavor your prescription liquids and suspensions (i.e. antibiotics) for a $3.00 charge
- We can special order Carex® and durable medical equipment (such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, bed pans, etc.)
- We can also special order Health and Beauty items for you
- Spectra Breast Pump